Compiled and edited by Vincent Fung
A joint publication of UNDP-SEAHIV, UNESCO, WB, WFP, FHI, USAID, IOM
and WVI
Roads are linking
communities, shipping poits are bustling with business and tourism
is reaching remote areas. Goods and people have always been moving,
but are now doing so on unprecedented scales. Numerous forms of
networks emerge, evolve, connect or merge. These dynamics of
population movement have a demonstrated impact on the course of the
HIV epidemics.1
To explore, to understand and to take action on such interrelations
and complexities require the capacity to locate objects and events
in space as well as to capture movement through space. Mapping can
render invaluable assistance in these efforts. It can be cheap,
useful and fun! Mapping is a 'Do it yourself ait. which can be
useful in different shapes and forms and is within the means of most
organizations and individuals. Besides the technologically advanced
field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), there is plenty of
space to produce maps, using less complex methods, to meet our needs
of the moment. This ranges from maps drawn ephemerally in the sand
to tailoring existing sophisticated and commercially available maps.
Once we understand that mapping can be easily accessible and
feasible, even with limited resources, it can then become a powerful
tool to assist in achieving our objectives.
UNDP South East Asia HIV and Development Programme (UNDP-SEAHIV),
with its focus on the interrelationships between development and
HIV/AIDS, has been promoting mapping for research, policy and
programmes since the beginning of its activities. Its experience may
be of interest to others. In teaming up with seven other
organizations UNDP-SEAHIV has been able to produce a far more
enriched and diversified Guide than it could have done on its own.2
Our partners have been crucial at all stages of the process of
developing this Guide: from contributing their experiences to
testing the Guide within their own organizations.
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