Workshop organized by MOPH Thailand, UNDP-SEAHIV, WHO, ASEAN
A joint publication of UNDP-SEAHIV, Ministry of Public Health
The impetus for
population movement in the South-East Asia region has been
influenced over time by numerous factors including family ties,
cultural affinities, socio-political stimuli, natural disasters,
wars and, more recently, through large infrastructure construction
projects as well as widening gaps in economic development.
Furthermore, the mobility of people in South-East Asia took place
for centuries before the existence of today's form of national
boundaries. This mobility is most often characterized by people
either fluctuating between source and host communities, or becoming
uprooted for permanent resettlement elsewhere.
The purpose of the ASEAN Workshop on population movement and HIV
vulnerability is to present an alternative systems approach in
assessing the interrelationship between population mobility and HIV
vulnerability which moves beyond the traditional perspective of
migrants and HIV/ AIDS by examining both internal and international
mobility. Those two types of mobility can be interlinked, and
jointly, can contribute to the HIV vulnerability for those mobile
groups, the source communities they come from, and the host
communities with which they come in contact.
The United Nations Development Programme South-East Asia HIV and
Development Project (UNDP-SEAHIV) focuses on the linkages between
development, population movement and HIV/AIDS. UNDP-SEAHIV, in
support of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Task
Force on AIDS, and the Royal Thai Government, as the acting focal
point within the ASEAN Task Force for Population Movement and
HIV/AIDS, organized a workshop from 10th to 12th November 1999 in
Chiang Rai, Thailand, entitled ASEAN Workshop on Population Movement
and HIV Vulnerability. Collaborators included the Family Health
International (FHI), SEAMEO-GTZ-CHASSPAR and World Health
Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Regional Office.
The workshop objective was to formulate joint action plans among
clusters of countries in South-East Asia with the purpose of
countering the HIV vulnerability associated with population
movement. This Report summarizes the workshop proceedings, including
the proposed action plans and recommendations that were developed
and subsequently fully endorsed by the ASEAN Task Force on AIDS at
its 7th meeting, 16th-18th November 1999.
UNDP-SEAHIV gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Martha
Ainsworth, a senior economist of the World Bank Washington DC; Mr.
Jacques du Guerny, Focal Point on HIV and on ageing, Chief,
Population Services, a population and HIV/AIDS specialist for the
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Rome; Mr. Maurice Apted
and Mr. Tony Lisle, as facilitators from the UNAIDS Asia-Pacific
Intercountry Team (APICT); Mr. Guy Scandlen, as UNDP-SEAHIV's lead
facilitator; Mr. Robert Anthony Oliver and Mr. John Richardson, the
workshop proceedings editors. Their contributions as well as the
active inputs from each and every one of the workshop participants
made these proceedings a rich document of collective wisdom on
population movement, development and HIV vulnerability in South-East
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June 2000 |