Jacques du Guerny and Lee-Nah Hsu
One of the greatest
challenges for workers in HIV prevention is the establishment of
programmes that result in primary prevention of the spread of HIV.
Such programmes must target the temporal and spatial factors that
create environments that are fertile for transmission, rather than
simply reacting postfacro to local trends in HIV prevalence and
Recently, the role of development in affecting the vulnerability
leading to possible HIV infection in communities has become
increasingly clear. Development efforts can sometimes de-stabilize a
community by moving people in or out of it. or by affecting people's
economic or cultural environment. For example, the construction of a
dam can at once force people to leave their homes near the
construction and find work elsewhere, and recruit new people into
the area to work on the dam. Such social and cultural flux changes
the way people behave and the populations with whom they are in
To be effective. HIV preventive efforts must be closely synchronized
with exactly those development factors that acutely increase a
population's vulnerability. The proposed Early Warning Rapid
Response System (EWRRS) has been conceived to establish this
By linking information about development activities with information
about effective prevention for the populations affected, an EWRRS
would have a critical role in HIV prevention. Knowing which
development activities can trigger population movements, which
populations are moving, where they will be. and what languages they
speak can foster public- and private-sectoral coordination of
immediate actions to educate and support these populations to reduce
their vulnerability. Such knowledge can also lead to retooling
development activities in order to achieve both the development
objectives and HIV prevention.
In May of 2000. representatives from the Greater Mekong Sub-region
and international HIV specialists met in Bangkok for a Think Tank
Consultation on the EWRRS. The work of that meeting is summarized
here. While the EWRRS is an unconventional idea, the efficacy of
which may be difficult to show at this point in its conception, its
potential to promote well-informed and coordinated actions to
significantly reduce HIV spread is compelling. Mr. Philip Guest,
rapporteur, deserves a special thanks for his excellent synthesis of
the complex debate of the Think Tank.
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July 2000 |