Lee-Nah Hsu, Jacques du Guerny, Promboon Panitchpakdi,
Manit Koedkan, et al.
A joint
publication of UNDP, UNAIDS, and ICAAP
The UNDP South East Asia
HIV and Development Project (SEAHIV-UNDP), has prepared this
monograph in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Fifth
International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP).
Its contents are based on manuscripts prepared and presentations
made at the sub-track session, Migrant and Mobile Populations and
HIV Vulnerability, conducted as a component of the Fifth Meeting of
ICAAP held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 23 to 27 October 1999.
Eleven presentations that focus on HIV vulnerability in mobile
populations are contained in this monograph. These provide
experiences and knowledge gained during the conduct of HIV action
programmes in selected countries of the Asia region. The human
rights concerns among migrant worker populations are examined to
identify their impact on the HIV epidemic. Monitoring and evaluation
of the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS programmes are also included. The
final papers were carefully selected from approximately 500
submitted abstracts and represent a broad range of experiences from
a wide geographic range that includes Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam;
Hong Kong, SAR of China; India; Japan; Malaysia; Nepal; Thailand and
Viet Nam. Some approaches, such as HIV screening tests of migrant
workers, although not considered appropriate, are included here to
reflect practices in the region.
The ICAAP occurs on a biannual basis to examine, discuss, and debate
current knowledge and practices relating to HIV/AIDS in Asia and the
Pacific. In previous years, considerable knowledge and wisdom was
inaccessible, as a systematic method of documentation and
dissemination was not undertaken. Several practitioners,
researchers, and students have expressed a need for relevant
knowledge to be disseminated as a reference source for future
programming and research activities.
We hope that this monograph will provide a reference source on the
practices, knowledge, and experiences gained. Extending the audience
beyond those attending ICAAP will assist in the promotion of quality
action programmes and a greater understanding of HIV vulnerability
within mobile and migrant worker populations. By disseminating the
findings of the ICAAP to a wider audience, the significance of
mobility relating to HIV vulnerability in Asia and the Pacific
region may become more effectively advocated. It is also expected
that an increased understanding of HIV/AIDS programme responses for
mobile populations and migrant workers will result.
The monograph is not limited to reporting past achievements but also
offers a future direction by providing conclusions and
recommendations to assist the United Nations system and other
concerned agencies and individuals in their efforts to reduce HIV
vulnerability among mobile populations.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank Professor Mary Huang,
Co-ordinator of the Fifth ICAAP, for her initiative and the
assistance of her team in supplying abstracts for our review and
selection. We also wish to acknowledge the support of the Joint
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) - Asia Pacific
Intercountry Team (APICT) for providing the printing cost of this
monograph. We also thank Colin Steensma, Canadian International
Development Assistance (CIDA) intern to SEAHIV-UNDP for compiling
the manuscripts.
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April 2000 |